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Keynote Speaker: Dr Diane Langberg

Image by Aaron Burden
Church as a Refuge:
Two day online conference recordings
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Dr Diane Langberg, Ph.D. speaks about Church as a Refuge, at our two day online conference which is recorded and available for free online. She addresses issues about abuse, power, and control and the dangers that can happen within our churches. She shares her knowledge on creating a safe culture within the church to help victims and survivors heal from trauma. 



Dr Diane Langberg

Dr. Diane Langberg, is globally recognized for her over 50 years of clinical work with trauma victims. She has trained caregivers on six continents in responding to trauma and to the abuse of power. She also directs her own counseling practice in Jenkintown, PA, Diane Langberg, Ph.D. & Associates, which includes seventeen therapists with multiple specialties. Dr. Langberg’s books include Redeeming Power: Understanding Authority and Abuse in the Church, Counsel for Pastors’ Wives, Counseling Survivors of Sexual Abuse, On the Threshold of Hope (with accompanying workbook), In Our Lives First: Meditations for Counselors and Suffering the Heart of God: How Trauma Destroys and Christ Restores.


Dr. Langberg is the recipient of the Distinguished Alumna Achievements from Taylor University., the American Association of Christian Counselors Caregiver Award, The Distinguished President’s award, and the Philadelphia Council of Clergy’s Christian Service Award.


She is married and has two sons and four grandchildren.

Dr Phil Monroe

Philip G. Monroe is a psychologist and the director of Trauma Healing Institute at American Bible Society. He oversees the publication of bible based trauma healing materials used in over 100 countries by more than 17,000 facilitators. Prior to joining the Bible Society, Dr. Monroe chaired the Graduate School of Counseling at Missio Seminary in Philadelphia for 18 years. You can read his personal and professional musings at 

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Dr Wade Mullen

Wade Mullen is the author of “Something's Not Right: Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuse and Freeing Yourself From Its Power." He is an assistant professor at Capital Seminary & Graduate School where he also directs an M.Div. program. His writing and speaking are informed by both his personal experiences and his research of abusive situations. His PhD research focused on the impression management strategies religious leaders and organizations use in the wake of an event that threatens their image. He also helps individuals and institutions address abusive situations.


Dr. Heather Evans

Dr. Heather Evans is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private group counseling practice in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, with 20 years’ experience providing therapy, particularly specializing in sexual trauma and sex trafficking.  Heather has authored two books from her research on complex trauma and posttraumatic growth in sex trafficking survivors. She is Co-Founder of Valley Against Sex Trafficking in Pennsylvania and adjunct professor of Global Trauma Recovery Institute,  traveling internationally to train trauma healing caregivers.     


Darby Strickland MDiv

Darby Strickland is a counselor and faculty member for the Christian Counseling & Education Foundation. She is the author of 'Is it Abuse? A Biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims'. She is also a contributor to the free web-based training curriculum Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused. Darby has a Master of Divinity degree in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary where she currently teaches a course on counseling people in abusive marriages.


Dr. Lisa Oakley

Dr Lisa Oakley is an Associate Professor in Applied psychology at the University of Chester. She is also the chair of the National working group for child abuse linked to faith and belief and the Task and Finish group on spiritual abuse in the Church of England. She co-authored a book in 2013 "Breaking the silence on spiritual abuse" and in 2019 with Justin Humphreys wrote the book "Escaping the maze of spiritual abuse: Creating healthy Christian cultures". She has spoken internationally on the topic of spiritual abuse and creating healthy Christian cultures.


Mike Sloan


Mike Sloan is the Director of Safeguarding Initiative at GRACE which provides churches and Christian organizations with training, policy consultation, and other practical tools on abuse. For the last ten years, Mike has trained churches and other Christian ministries across the United States and abroad in abuse prevention and response best practices. Mike worked with Victor Vieth to develop the GRACE Seminary Curriculum, the first three-credit hour seminary course on child maltreatment, which was piloted at Biblical Seminary in 2017. 

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